Thursday, November 3, 2016

Dark Days


It's been awhile since I have posted anything.  I have had many bad days. Seems like the bad days are all I have now.  My symptoms are getting worse.  Chest pain, Shortness of breath, Palpitations, Fatigue, Dizziness are a daily occurrence.  Sometimes all day. Now it seems I may be having some A-Fib mixed in their also.  

Lately I have been experiencing BP Spikes.  My normal BP on Meds is usually close to 120/70.  Every once in a while I will get a spike to like 160/82 for about 20-30 mins.  When this happens, I get agitated and angry really quick.  To the point where I am almost out of control.  I also find my self yelling at my children for little things that would normally not bother me.  This is all taking a toll on my marriage and I fear my relationship with my children as well.

I feel like I am a burden on my wife and my children.  My wife is a strong woman but I see her becoming more and more distant with me.  Bad thoughts are creeping into my mind.  I love my family and would never do anything to hurt them.  But sometimes I think "Would they be better off with out me?" I never thought I would even think about Suicide, but after dealing with this disease for so long, bad thoughts find there way into your head.  I could not act on them due to I know it would hurt them too much and they need me.  I guess I am just having some bad days.

I am scheduled for a Septal Myectomy  at the Cleveland Clinic near Thanksgiving.  Really hoping the surgery will go well and give me some relief.  Might be a light at the end of this tunnel... we shall see.  I will post photos, videos, and blog on my experiences thru it all.

Hoping all of this might help someone going thru this damn disease in the future!
